Dedicated to the community
Transavia's effort to get involved in providing community access to health services reached a new level in 2019. Transavia joins companies that have taken the lead and commitment to creating premium healthcare services with a unique project in Romania by investing over 3 million euros in the first hospital to recover children with locomotory disabilities. In this respect, the company is channeling its efforts and community resources towards a unique, national and regional project, in partnership with the NGO Maria Beatrice Alba Iulia, to make a consistent difference for childcare, from now on for many generations.
Transavia is a family business with a tradition of more than 25 years in Romania, built on strong values, based on a vertically integrated business model. Out of respect for the community and care for people, Transavia actively involves in social responsibility actions, supporting social projects and causes intended to render life better. Over the time, Transavia supported business performance and ethics, education, youngsters and disadvantaged groups, nature and environmental protection, and it further contributes to the sustainable development of the local community. Health, education and sports are only some of the areas constantly supported by Transavia, through strategic programmes.
In the health field, Transavia supported the County Emergency Hospital of Alba Iulia, the most important sanitary facility in Alba County, through several sponsorships intended to equipping or modernizing of some wards, such as the Surgery and Urology Ward, the Cardiology and Internal Medicine Ward, as well as the Emergency Ward and Oncology Ward.
In 2013, Transavia started a national nutrition education programme in Romania, titled “Nutrition Class”, which was developed in schools and high schools from several Romanian cities, among which Sibiu, Brasov, Iasi, Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Timisoara. The Programme goal is to provide the pupils with correct information on the meaning of the balanced life style concept and the content of an appropriate alimentation, so that a number as high as possible of pupils could form correct and healthy alimentary habitudes. Transavia was also involved in supporting some local community causes and, at the end of 2015, it provided the library of Ponorel village, Vidra Commune, with furniture and books.
Over the years, Transavia offered to support also sport activities to encourage the active life style and the high performance in sport. Therefore, the Company sponsored the basketball female team of the “1 Decembrie” University of Alba Iulia and the volleyball team of Blaj Sport Club.